Sunflower ADLS
Sunflower ADLS

Sunflower ADLS

ProjectSunflower ADLS


LocationMarion, KS


Completed Project Overview for JMS Energy: Sunflower ADLS in Marion, KS

 Brief on Sunflower ADLS Project by JMS Energy

Project Overview
JMS Energy successfully completed a project titled “Sunflower ADLS” in Marion, Kansas. This project was executed in collaboration with Wanzek, a prominent name in construction and renewable energy solutions. The Sunflower ADLS (Aircraft Detection Lighting System) project aimed to enhance the safety and operational efficiency of the site by installing a robust lighting system that activates in the presence of aircraft, thereby reducing light pollution and energy consumption.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities

1. Trenching and Installation of Power and Fiber:
– Trenching: JMS Energy undertook extensive trenching operations to lay the groundwork for power and fiber optic cables. This involved precise excavation to ensure minimal environmental disruption and optimal cable placement.
– Power Installation: The team installed power lines crucial for the functioning of the ADLS tower. This required meticulous planning and execution to ensure a stable and reliable power supply.
– Fiber Optic Installation: Fiber optic cables were installed to facilitate high-speed data communication. This installation is vital for the efficient operation of the ADLS system, ensuring real-time communication and control.

2. Construction of Communication and Power Rack:
– JMS Energy built a specialized rack within the ADLS fenced area. This rack houses the communication and power systems, serving as the central hub for the ADLS tower’s operational infrastructure. The construction of this rack required precision engineering to accommodate all necessary equipment securely and efficiently.

3. Ground Grid Testing:
– Conducted comprehensive ground grid testing to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the electrical grounding system. This step is critical to protect both the equipment and personnel from electrical hazards.

4. Megger Testing:
– JMS Energy performed Megger testing to assess the insulation resistance of the electrical components. This testing is essential to prevent electrical failures and ensure long-term reliability of the power system.

5. Fiber Splicing and OTDR Testing:
– Fiber Splicing: The team expertly spliced fiber optic cables at both ends to ensure seamless connectivity. Precision in fiber splicing is crucial to maintain the integrity and performance of the fiber optic network.
– OTDR Testing: Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) testing was performed to evaluate the quality and performance of the fiber optic installation. This testing helps identify any faults, losses, or reflections in the fiber run, ensuring optimal performance.

Project Outcomes
The successful completion of the Sunflower ADLS project by JMS Energy resulted in several significant outcomes:
– Enhanced Safety: The installation of the ADLS system has significantly improved the safety of the area by providing reliable aircraft detection and lighting.
– Operational Efficiency: The integration of high-quality power and communication infrastructure ensures the ADLS system operates efficiently and reliably.
-Environmental Impact: The use of an ADLS system helps minimize light pollution, thereby contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

The Sunflower ADLS project in Marion, Kansas, stands as a testament to JMS Energy’s expertise in delivering complex energy solutions. The collaboration with Wanzek, along with the meticulous execution of various technical tasks, underscores JMS Energy’s commitment to quality, safety, and innovation in the renewable energy sector.

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